Opportunity of Compressed Air Savings

Approximately 10 % of all electrical power used in industry comes from compressed air. This is proof of its widespread usage but it is also evidence of the potentially large saving in costs which could be achieved if the energy management opportunities are put into practice.

Normally, the purpose of compressed air systems in the industrial sectors is to deliver the necessary volume of air at the required pressure and temperature to the correct places. Compressed air is used for operating pneumatic equipments, cleaning purposes, and other general services. This is accomplished by a distribution system consisting of pipes, valves and fittings. The Compressed Air pipe work is arranged in the form of ring mains with interconnections to points of end-users.

Careful evaluation of existing compressed air systems can ensure against improper operation, and poor energy utilization. Alert design, operations, and maintenance personnel, with an awareness of energy management, can achieve significant savings in areas such as:
  • Detection and elimination of leaks.
  • Reduction of friction losses and the associated pressure drops.
  • Application of new technology.


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