How to Tell When Your Compressor Needs an Air Dryer

Ask a Question:

Can water or moisture be damaging my compressed air system?


Absolutely! Water corrodes pipes, valves, machinery controls. None of this is good. When controls malfunction, production can stop or product can be impaired and all this costs you time and money.

Water in Aerosol or Vapor form is more difficult to remove and requires the use of a Compressed Air Dryer.

Ask a Question:

How does water or moisture get into my compressed air?


Through your Compressor inlet.

Water vapor (humidity-moisture) enters the air system through the air compressor inlet air filter. The air compressor sucks in approximately 7 cubic feet of atmospheric air at 0 psig, and that volume of air is compressed into 1 cubic feet of air at 100 psig. The water vapor (humidity-moisture) that was in the 7 cubic feet of atmospheric air is now compressed into 1 cubic feet of compressed air.

There are 3 forms of water in compressed air:

-Liquid water
-Aerosol (mist)
-Vapor (gas)

Any of these forms of moisture can create problems down the road in equipment or may create serious problems in your process or end product today.

Ask a Question:

How to tell if you need a Refrigerated Air Dryer?


If you are experiencing the following problems...then you may need a Refrigerated Compressed Air Dryer:

-Liquid water is in your air lines and hoses
-Water vapor sprays out of your tool exhaust
-Pipe lines corrode and rust
-Paint Sprayer has water spots in the paint
-Your Equipment Manufacturer specifies "DRY AIR"

Ask a Question:

What can help remove moisture from my Compressed Air System?


Refrigerated Air Dryers can be one of the best solutions to removing water and moisture from your Compressed Air System.

Ask a Question:

How does a Refrigerated Air Dryer Work?


• The refrigerated air dryer cools the incoming compressed air first in an air-to-air heat exchanger where the outgoing cool dry air pre-cools the hot incoming air and condenses some moisture out.

• Then the incoming air enters an air-to-refrigerant heat exchanger where the air is cooled to 38ยบ F by the liquid refrigerant. This process causes the moisture to condense into liquid water and it is drained away. The out going air then enters the air-to-air heat exchanger and is warmed up to keep the outside of pipes from sweating.

• The refrigeration compressor pumps hot hi-pressure gas refrigerant (Freon) into the condenser which transfers the heat from the refrigerant gas to the ambient air as the gas condenses into a liquid.

• The liquid refrigerant (Freon) is then metered to a cold low pressure where it enters the air-to-refrigerant heat exchanger and the heat from the hot compressed air is adsorbed into the cold refrigerant (Freon). The refrigeration compressor then sucks low pressure hot gas refrigerant (Freon) into the refrigeration compressor and the cycle starts over again.

BOTTOM LINE: If you are experiencing unwanted moisture and water in your Compressed Air System, then seriously consider the addition of a Refrigerated Air Dryer. After all - what is the best way to spend your money --on constant maintenance, failed equipment and ruined end products or by investing in a properly sized compressed air dryer?

Experience proves it! Remove Water and Moisture to improve Compressed Air Quality & Efficiency!

  • Increase Production - less down time due to moisture related equipment problems
  • Reduce loss due to inferior products ruined by moisture in lines
  • Bring more profit to your bottom line

Learn More about Refrigerated Air Dryers

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